



讲座主题:Diversification Decision in Family Business Groups: A Socially-Embedded Agency Perspective

Jane Lu,  associate professor, National University of Singapore




Jane Lu is an associate professor in NUS Business School, National University of Singapore. She received her Ph.D. from the Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario in 2001. Her research centers on international strategy such as FDI location choice, entry mode choice and alliance partner selection.

 Jane Lu has published in leading academic journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International  Business Studies, Journal of Management and Journal of Business Venturing, among other journals.  She has co-authored a textbook: International Business: An Asia Pacific Perspective (Pearson).

 Jane Lu is a Senior Editor of Asia Pacific Journal of Management. She currently serves on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Journal, Canadian Journal of Administrative Studies, Journal of Management Studies and Journal of Business Research.  She is the program chair of Asia Academy of Management Conference 2010.

 Prior to joining academia, Jane Lu worked in management positions in a major international trading company and in Rabobank in China. She held visiting positions at University of Auckland, University of Sydney and Stockholm School of Economics.



讲座主题:Institutional Influence on Love Money: A Study on Informal Investment to Family, Friends, and Strangers

主讲嘉宾:Professor Kevin AU  the Chinese University of Hong Kong



Professor Kevin AU graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a B.B.A. and earned his Ph.D. in management/ international business at the University of British Columbia. He co-founded the CUHK Center for Entrepreneurship and has been an associate director. He also serves as associate director of the MBA programme. His research interests are international management, entrepreneurship, family business, social network, and cross-cultural research methodology. He has published dozens of academic articles, cases, and book chapters, and served on the editorial boards of several academic journals. His edited book “Family Enterprising in Asia: Exploring transgenerational entrepreneurship in family firms” is forthcoming in 2011. He has provided consulting and training for the government and business corporations. His clients include the Central Policy Unit, Hong Kong Cyberport, Ove Arup, and a number of business startups in Hong Kong.