美国德州大学阿灵顿商学院(UTA)尼斯和詹姆斯.威斯特 (West)杰出教授罗学明赴我集团交流访问

        本次讲座成功邀请到美国德州大学阿灵顿商学院(UTA)的尼斯和詹姆斯.威斯特 (West)杰出教授罗学明博士担任主讲嘉宾,他给我们带来了主题为“Modeling Customer Metrics, Strategic Marketing, and Firm Value: Past and Future of the Marketing-Finance Interface”的学术讲座,受到了师生的热烈欢迎和一致好评。

市场学系系主任王海忠教授代表学院向罗学明教授赠送礼品         讲座由市场学系系主任王海忠教授主持。罗学明教授此次学术演讲着重讲述了如何从营销-财务视角的视角,开展顾客心智、营销战略与公司价值的相关研究。其中,顾客心智包括顾客资产、品牌资产、口碑传播等;营销策略包括广告、价格、企业社会责任、品牌联盟等;公司价值则包括股票回报、股票风险、投资者社区。学术演讲后,罗学明教授还同我集团师生就如何进行研究选题,如何在国际顶级期刊发表文章等问题进行了热烈的互动交流。活动结束后,市场学系系主任王海忠教授代表全院师生向主讲嘉宾罗学明教授表示感谢,并赠送了学院纪念品。
         Dr. Xueming Luo, the Ph.D. Program Advisor for the Department of Marketing. He received his Doctoral degree in Marketing from Louisiana Tech University. Prior to UTA, he was on the faculty in the School of Business at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Fredonia. Professor Luo’s research focuses on Econometric Modeling and Strategic Marketing. As an Editorial Review Board member of the Journal of Marketing, He has work appeared or forthcoming in numerous academic and practitioner journals (see examples below). Dr. Luo has received the 2006-2007 Distinguished Research Publication Award, the 2005-2006 Special Recognition Research Publication Award at UTA, the 2002 Distinguished Paper Award from the Association of Collegiate Marketing Educator conference, Best Student Track Paper Award from the SMA Conference, among others. He also successfully obtained several research grants and Professional Development Awards from MSI, SUNY and UTA.