讲座时间:2011年7月7日(周四)上午10:00-12:00讲座地点:ok138cn太阳集团善思堂M531主讲嘉宾:Ruby Lee,College of Business, Florida State University
讲座主题:Research Presentation: present a published article and use that article as an example to demonstrate the process of publication and to share publication experience
Ruby Lee教授毕业于美国Washington State University,曾任教于内华达大学商学院,现任教于佛罗里达州立大学商学院营销学系,并已取得终身副教授。她长期从事与跨国经营(Multinational Business)相关的研究,主要兴趣包括新产品开发、营销策略和国际商务等,已在Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Service Marketing , Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business and Industrial marketing等国际顶尖期刊发表十余篇文章。
讲座时间:2011年7月7日(周四)上午10:00-12:00讲座地点:ok138cn太阳集团善思堂M531主讲嘉宾:Ruby Lee,College of Business, Florida State University
讲座主题:Research Presentation: present a published article and use that article as an example to demonstrate the process of publication and to share publication experience
Ruby Lee教授毕业于美国Washington State University,曾任教于内华达大学商学院,现任教于佛罗里达州立大学商学院营销学系,并已取得终身副教授。她长期从事与跨国经营(Multinational Business)相关的研究,主要兴趣包括新产品开发、营销策略和国际商务等,已在Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Service Marketing , Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business and Industrial marketing等国际顶尖期刊发表十余篇文章。