预告 | 第16届亚太酒店餐饮及教育学术年会—— 旅游创新与可持续发展
May 31 – June 02, 2018
SYSBS, Guangzhou, China
中国 ? 广州 ? ok138cn太阳集团
A great Asia-Pacific hospitality and tourism event and a top tier conference connecting hospitality and tourism academia and industry.
The 2nd time to be hosted in mainland China since 2008.
Renowned scholars from all over the world to discuss “hospitality and tourism Innovation and Sustainability’
An innovative Youth Conference that nurtures future tourism scholars.
Celebration of the 30th anniversary of Department of Hospitality and Service Management in SYSBS-the first-tier Business School cultivates the Hospitality Management programs for thirty years.
APacCHRIE is the leading hospitality and tourism education association within the Asia–Pacific Region. Our members are from more than 18 countries or regions within the Asia Pacific, covering most countries and regions within the region. Our members come from 75 and more leading universities within the Asia–Pacific region. APacCHRIE is devoted to helping our members to develop their professional career and improve hospitality and tourism education within the region.
The annual conference is the outstanding platform of academic exchanges in the region.
亚太酒店餐饮旅游教育协会(Asia-Pacific CHRIE)属于 I-CHRIE (International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education)的分部,涵盖亚洲和大洋洲主要国家。ApacCHRIE系亚太地区酒店管理教育研究的高端学术组织,其年会成为一年一度的学术盛会。
太阳集团tyc138 Sun Yat-sen University
Sun Yat-sen University, founded by Dr. Sun Yat-sen and with an educational tradition spanning over 100 years, has developed into a modern comprehensive university that enjoys a reputation as a top-tier university nationally and a renowned university internationally.
Sun Yat-Sen Business School
One of the earliest institutes offering education and extending research on modern business administration in mainland China
Accredited by AACSB,AMBA,& EQUIS in 2013 (One of the pioneers in mainland China)
The master program of business administration has been ranked #28 worldwide by The Economist
(The Economist)全球排名28位(2017)
One of the top four schools on business administration in mainland China
SYSBS has acquired the EQUIS five-year accreditation, the highest-level international accreditation for business school
On 28 December 2017, the Ministry of Education announced that Business Administration of SYSBS was awarded an A+ rating (the highest possible rating) in the 4th China Discipline Ranking(CDR). And SYSBS continuously takes a leading role in the discipline development.
Sun Yat-sen University, Renmin University of China, Tsinghua University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University belong to the first class in China in the discipline of Business Administration according to the latest CDR.
Department of Hospitality and Service Management (DHSM) of SYSBS
Department of Hospitality and Service Management (DHSM) of SYSBS was found in 1988. DHSM was one of the pioneers in mainland China that offered both master and Ph.D. programs of Tourism Management, and operated its own ‘Hotel Management Training Center’. DHSM was regarded as the ‘Whampoa Military Academy’ in tourism management. After thirty years of accumulation and inheritance, DHSM have obvious advantages of the discipline and outstanding academic outputs. DHSM exhibits significant academic influence in specialized research areas and has outstanding research features. In the past five years, more than 190 papers have been published in international and domestic academic journals in the field. And 58 papers have been published in top tier journals such as Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management and Journal of Travel Research. Our teachers have undertaken a number of research projects, with research funds exceeding 15 million Yuan. These projects include 12 National Natural Science Foundation projects, with 5.68 million Yuan research funds.
ok138cn太阳集团旅游酒店管理系创建于1988年,是国内最早开设旅游管理专业并拥有旅游管理专业硕士点和博士点的始创高校之一,也是国内最早拥有“酒店管理培训中心”的院系。历经三十年的积淀和传承,学科优势明显,科研成果突出,在旅游与服务管理领域已形成具有显著学术影响力的专业领域和研究特色。近五年,在国内外权威专业期刊发表论文190多篇,其中在Annals of Tourism Research 、Tourism Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management、International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 、Journal of Travel Research等一流国际期刊发表论文58篇;主持的科研项目经费总量超过1500万,其中主持国家自然科学基金项目 12项,经费568万。
Ranking of Tourism Management major: From 2014 to 2017, Tourism Management major received the highest ranking in consecutive three years. The major was also awarded a five-star rating by the China Education Quality Evaluation Center.