5th Face to Face with Management Gurus
The 5th "Face to Face with Management Gurus" Forum ignited sparks of thinking in the evening of December 14 on the East Campus. The forum was a unique opportunity for SYSBS students to exchange ideas and interact with international mentors, including Dr. Michael A. Hitt, University Distinguished Professor at the Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, Dr. Stephen Tallman, E. Claiborne Robins Distinguished Professor of Business at the University of Richmond, Dr. John Child, Emeritus Professor of Commerce, Department of Management, Birmingham (U.K.) Business School, and Prof. Yadong Luo, SYSBS International Dean and distinguished honorary professor, Emery M. Findley Distinguished Chair, Department of Management, and Professor of International Business and Strategy, University of Miami School of Business, and Elected Fellow of the Academy of International Business.
International Masters of Management
The focus of the Forum was modernization and internationalization from the multiple perspectives of economics, management and strategic decisions. Students led an energetic Q&A session, posing insightful questions for the panel on topics related to Chinese national conditions and entrepreneurial case study. The opportunity to engage directly with such distinguished scholars, and to benefit from their impressive knowledge of the subjects, received an enthusiastic response from the students, who declared the Forum to be a resounding success.
“I’m honored to have been involved in such an informal academic discussion, participating so closely with the think tank. We are very much looking forward to the next Face to Face session and more opportunities for communication with the international masters of management,” commented one student in excitement.
5th "Face to Face with Management Gurus" Forum Participants