Wall Street Journal and The Times Synchronously Reported MBA Project of Sun Yat-sen Business School

Last updated:2017-08-03

????As the only business school in China mainland which was nominated by The Economist as the best global MBA project,Wall Street Journal and The Times broadcast the exclusive interview of our principal, Professor Wang Fan on The Business Debate in London Stock Exchange. In the interview, President Wang shared experience in curriculum offering, quality of teaching, deep integration of  scientific research and teaching as well as future development of our MBA project on the topic of how MBA education establishes confidence on our direction and integrates Chinese and Western management wisdom.??




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??He thought, there are still relatively large differences between Western and Chinese business management methods though the culture and way of thinking in the world tend to be cohesive and integrated. As a leading business school in China, Sun Yat-sen Business School strives to integrate wisdom in Chinese and Western business culture and dedicates to cultivating business talents who possess global vision as well as provide practical solutions which are in accordance with China's national conditions.??




??President Wang Fan said, in the current international business environment, globalized thinking method has already become a necessary and basic idea if China's enterprise managers want to stand out in international competition and cooperation. Our MBA courses are designed based on the understanding of integration of globalization and localization. He thought the key to attracting more international students is to improve school-running quality. The business school always takes "integrate Chinese and Western management wisdom, train enterprising and innovation spirit, practice responsibility of serving the society as well as cultivate business management elites" as its mission. We did not just integrated the mission into school culture but also practiced it in work to ensure self-inspection and achieve balance in work, management, education, safety and development of students as well as relationship maintenance of schoolmates. ??


??Source of English report is attached: ??


??Source link: http://thebusinessdebate.com/sunyetsen-navigating-the-new-silk-road-mba-education/??

??Program link: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjg2OTM0OTU1Ng====.html?sharefrom=iphone&from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=1&source=#paction??
