EDP Students Participate in Short-Term Study in Singapore

Last updated:2013-04-01

From March 26 - 28, forty-four students from the Oustanding Business Leaders Program of the EDP Center at SYSBS travelled to Singapore for a short-term program of study. The group first visited the Business School at Nanyang Technological University and the Business School at the National University of Singapore. Both are renowned universities, and are consistently ranked among the world's top 50 higher education institutions.

A highlight of the program was a lecture by Ms. Susanna Leong Wai Sze, Associate Dean of the Business School, National University of Singapore, who presented an overview of Singapore's economic patterns and experiences. She encouraged the students to carefully consider the trends and national circumstances in China, and to seek favorable solutions for entrepreneurial development.

The visiting group also attended a symposium arranged by international Enterprise Singapore, the goverment agency at the center of Singapore's economic development, and a cocktail party hosted by the Singapore branch of Chinatrust Commercial Bank. These activities provided the students with a rare opportunity for face-to-face interaction, enabling them to gain understanding of the current situation of Singaporean enterprises, as well as that of Chinese enterprises in Singapore.

Over the course of their unforgettable three-day visit, the SYSBS EDP students not only enjoyed the scenic views of Singapore, but they gained valuable knowledge of a broader economic structure, and were able to enhance their skills for socializing in a professional business setting.