Science Division of National Natural Science Found Committee Investigated National Innovation Research Group Leaded by Professor Li Zhongfei

Last updated:2017-09-28



On September 21, ScienceDivision of National Natural Science Found Committee sent an expert group toour school for investigation to “Financial Innovation, Resource Allocation andRisk Management” of National Innovation Research Group led by Professor Li Zhongfei.This delegation consists of the leaders and experts from National NaturalScience Found Committee: Leaders of this Fund Committee include Deputy Directorof National Natural Science Found Committee He Minghong, Deputy Director ofManagement Science Department Gao Ziyou, section chief of General Office LiRuoyun, Director of Current Project of General Office Li Jiangtao; expertsinclude former executive Deputy Director of Management Science Department LiYijun, Vice-Chancellor of Beijing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsHuang Haijun,  Chancellor of HefeiUniversity of Technology Liang Liang, Chancellor of Hunan University ofCommerce Chen Xiaohong, former President Institute of Science and TechnologyPolicy and Management Science of Chinese Academy of Sciences Xu Weixuan,President of Academic Committee of Faculty of Management and Economics ofDalian University of Technology Dang Yanzhong, Vice-Chancellor of HunanUniversity Chen Shou, Etc. Vice-Chancellor of our school Wang Xuehua, Dean ofGraduate School Bao Jigang, Director of Development and Planning Office LiuJike, President of Basic Research Management Office of Science Academy DongMeiling, Vice President of Basic Research Management Office of Science AcademyLiang Yong, assistant of director of the Office of General Services Gao Yangand other principals in relevant departments include President of ManageScience College Wang Fan, Secretary of the Party Committee Qi Xiaoping, VicePresident Li Guangzhong, academic leader of Innovation Group Project TeamProfessor Li Zhongfei and the team members include Fu Ke, Shen Shuguang, YangZihui, He Xingqiang, Song Haiqing, Xinyu, Zhou Kaiguo, Liu Jingjun, FengHaolin, Zhao Junxiong, Zeng Yan, Liu Yanchu, Xu Yuehua, Tian Fengping, WeiLijian. Vice-President of Management Science Department of Fund Committee GaoZiyou conducted the meeting of investigation.





VicePresident Wang Xuehua is making a speech


At the meeting, VicePresident Wang Xuehua welcomed all leaders and experts of this investigationgroup and showed gratitude to long-term support from National Natural ScienceFund Committee. Vice President Wang Xuehua said that our university alwaysattaches importance to to group projects and will provide substantial supportto innovation group project team led by Professor Li Zhongfei.


VicePresident He Minghong is making a speech


At the meeting, Vice President of Fund Committee emphasized theimportance of the investigation to Innovation Group of National Natural ScienceFund Committee this time, expressed the hope to promote the construction ofgroup team by investigation and to guide and support innovation group to domore exploration and research work to overcome the big problems of cutting-edgescientific technology in accordance with the independent innovationconstruction proposed by central government, and expressed the hope that ourschool can provide the all-around support and guarantee to innovation group’swork.



ProfessorLi Zhongfei is reporting the situation of team


As the academic leaderof innovation group project team, Professor Li Zhongfei has reported thesituation of the team, including the composition of key members and theirresearch direction and previous main achievements. The key points of his reportwere three subjects of the research emphasis in future: pension finance,internet finance and supply chain finance. Concerning these three subjects,Professor Li and his team will make breakthroughs in the situation of theincomplete information, inconsistent time, complicated internet structure,neterogeny performance and the drive of big data. After that, Professor Lireported the team’s target, annual research plan, support condition and workschedules.



After the report,investigation group investigated the working environment and laboratory ofinnovation group, including the performance laboratory of Management ScienceCollege, studio of full-time scientific research position and provincialresearch center of financial project and risk management. Than theinvestigation group was divided into two expert groups and held discussionsrespectively. Expert group I held discussion with the leader of college andmain team members and gave many suggestions of the construction ofinterdisciplinary team, the usage of funds and the project publicity.


ExpertGroup II held discussion with leaders of scientific research institutes andback office, and emphasized to guarantee the support conditions to thisinnovation group. After the discussions, experts discussed further and formedan investigation opinion: innovation group strives to research the foundationand application of financial innovation, recourse allocation and riskmanagement and has achieved many basic and innovative research results and tookan active influence; while this innovation group is facing to academicfrontier, it is facing to national requirements and serving to nationalendowment insurance system with many important research achievements which hastook active influences to related disciplines; the age structure and majorstructure of group members are reasonable. With the strong cohesion and greatcooperative foundation, this innovation group has great potential of innovationresearch and interdisciplinary feature, and its academic leader has excellentscientific attainments and strong organization and coordination ability. Expertgroup has proposed suggestions to innovation group and school: they hope thisgroup can strengthen the interdisciplinary cooperation and the relationship betweenthree subjects to guarantee the actual cooperation of team membersinstitutionally and improve innovation ability of innovation group overall;bring this group into “Three Major Construction” grand platform plan of schooland provide actually continuous support to the resource allocation includingdoctoral student recruitment index, group experiment condition and research andteaching staff for the group. Finally, investigation group places great hopeson Profession Li Zhongfei’s team and encourages this innovation group projectto achieve the follow-up support in 6+3 years.



Group photo of participants
