SYSBS Ranked as “Global Top 100 EDP” in Financial Times 2015 Executive Education Ranking

Last updated:2015-05-25

SYSBS’s Executive Development Programs were ranked 69th at the “Executive Education – Open - 2015” and 72nd at the “Executive Education – Customised - 2015” in the highly-recognized Financial Times 2015 Global Executive Education Ranking report released, May 18, London time.

To get involved in the ranking of Financial Times, a business school should be necessitated to acquire EQUIS or AACSB accreditation and to be audited by the accounting firms for verification. Besides, Financial Times has a scientific data processing system, in which all the rankings are catalogued according to several characters. 

These features of the global ranking system established by Financial Times make it possible to draw a bead on recognizing first-class business schools around the world. It is one of the most reputable and authoritative international ranking system and acts as guidance for students and faculty.

Sparing not effort in brushing up on the quality of EDP, SYSBS has achieved tremendous progress, which is showcased noticeably in the two aspects as follows:

Firstly, SYSBS EDP reaches the 13rd place of cutomised course report and the 23rd of open course report. Secondly, SYSBS was listed among the top five regarding to the stable and sustainable customer growth.

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