Dr. Jill Lei, Assistant Professor from Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Melbourne, visits SYSBS
At 3 pm on Jun. 9th, the 30th talk of “Marketing Horizon” Lecture Series, sponsored by Marketing Department of SYSBS, was successfully held at M527 in SYSBS Shansi Building.
At the lecture
Prof. Wang Haizhong, Director of Marketing presenting Jill Lei with souvenir
Dr. Jill Lei, Assistant Professor of Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Melbourne, has been invited to deliver a lecture titled "When Brands Meet Crises" &"When People Meet Food", which received warm welcome and positive feedback.
Prof. Wang Haizhong presided over the lecture. The lecture consisted of two sections: product harm crisis and consumer food consumption. To begin with Prof. Jill Lei presented the theoretical framework of product harm crisis research, which mainly contains three stages, namely, the front variable, the process and the result. The front variable includes external environment, company crisis and company reputation; the process contains consumer sentiment, consumer attribution and company reaction, while brand evaluation, purchasing behavior and oral spreading fall in to the stage of result. Then by analyzing obesity problem in western countries, Prof. Jill Lei talked about another research interest of hers, that is, consumer food consumption. She discussed some factors that affect consumer food choices and consumption, such as dining environment, dining atmosphere, food packaging, food value, etc.
During the lecture, the SYSBS faculty and PhD candidates present held a lively discussion with Prof. Jill Lei. In the end, Prof. Huang Haizhong, on behalf of SYSBS, expressed gratitude to Prof. Jill Lei and presented her with souvenirs of SYSBS.