A Latest Research Paper of Associate Professor Qin Xin of Sun Yat-Sen Business School is Accepted by International Authoritative Journal of Management- AMJ

Last updated:2017-09-11

??????????OnSeptember 5, the latest research paper - The short-lived benefits ofabusive supervisory behavior for actors: An investigation of recovery and workengagement that Associate Professor Qin Xin of Sun Yat-Sen BusinessSchool as the first author was accepted by the international authoritative journalof management-Academy of ManagementJournal (AMJ). For the first time, the research discovers theimmediate positive impact of abusive supervisory behavior on the actoritself and provides an important basis for understanding the causes of wideexistence of abusivesupervisory behaviors in the organization. The co-authorsinclude Dr. Huang Mingpeng of Business School, UIBE, Dr. Russell E. Johnson of EliBroad College of Business, Michigan State University, doctoral student of GuanghuaSchool of Management, Peking University-HU Qiongjing and Dr. JU Dong of CommunicationUniversity of China, School of Economics and Management (corresponding author).

AMJ is the flagship journal of Academy of Management andinternationally recognized as the top journal of management. It is known forits stringent academic requirements and the ultimate editorial level, and isalso one of the 24 journals of UTDALLAS, the most internationally prestigious periodical directory in thefield of economic management. According to statistics, Associate Professor QinXin is the sixth domestic scholar that has published paper on AMJ as the first author,also the first one of Sun Yat-Sen University. Associate Professor Qin Xin isone of the few domestic scholars who have published papers on AMJ, Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP) and otherinternationally prestigious journals of management as the first author.

Over the past few decades, scholars of managementhave shown great research interest on the destructive behavior of actors. As acommon destructive behavior of actors, abusive supervision behavior refers tothe verbally or non-verbally hostile behaviors of the actors against their subordinatestaff, excluding body contacts. Although a large number of empirical studieshave continued to show that abusive supervision behavior has a great devastatingimpact on subordinate staff’s work attitudes and outcomes, the study about howabusive supervision behavior affects the actor itself is very limited. Accordingto the conservation of resources theory, the study develops and examines atheoretical model that details how and when the abusive supervision behaviorhas an immediate impact on the actor itself.Through two experiments and a multi-wave log study of 10 consecutiveworking days, the study found that abusive supervision behavior is related tothe improvement of the recovery level of the actor.At the same time, abusive supervision behavior has a positive indirectimpact on the actor’s work engagement through recovery levels. Interestingly,supplementary analysis shows that these positive effects are short-livedbecause, after a longer period of time (ie, one week or more), the abusive supervisionbehavior is negatively related with the recovery level and work engagement ofthe actor.In addition, the intensityof these short-lived positive effects is also constrained by personal factorsand situational factors. Empathic concern, namely the personal factors and jobdemands, namely the situational factors adjust the positive effects observedabove. In particular, actors with high empathic concern and low job demandshave less positive impact after abusive supervision behavior.

This study has made two important breakthroughs andcontributions to the existing abusive supervision theory and conservation ofresources theory. First, the study focuses on the leader as the actor (ratherthan as a subordinate as the recipient) and for the first time it answers a fundamentalquestion - “what is the immediate positive impact of the abusive supervisionbehavior on the actor itself?”Theexisting abusive supervision literature primarily focuses on subordinates asrecipients and has drawn the following conclusions: abusive supervision isalways negative and costly. The study challenges this general conclusion thatabusive supervision behaviors actually have some immediate positive impact on actors,which helps explain why abusive supervision behavior still widely existing inthe organization even though there is a significant negative impact onsubordinates. The study combines the perspective of the actor (leader) with theconservation of resources theory, revealing the positive impact of the abusive supervisionbehavior that has never been discovered - a higher level of recovery and workengagement, andhastaken the first step in studying how and when the abusive supervision behavioris in favor of the actor itself. Second, the paper found that the above positiveimpact is short-lived and after a longer period of time, the abusive supervisionbehavior is negatively related with the recovery level and work engagement ofthe actor, that is, whether a specific behavior is resource-generating orresource-consuming may depend on the time window considered. The studyindicates that time window should be included in conservation of resourcestheory as a key boundary condition, which greatly expands the conservation offorces theory. Not only has a significant theoretical contribution, thisarticle also has a profound practical significance for management practitionersto learn from.

Inrecent years, the discipline construction, scientific research and otherundertakings of Sun Yat-Sen Business School have developed rapidly and reportsof victory have come in succession. With the construction of “Double-FirstClass” initiative, Sun Yat-Sen University is ushering in an important period ofrapid development. This time, Associate Professor Qin Xin who has publishedpaper in the internationally recognized authoritative academic journals in thefield of management will further promote and stimulate the Sun Yat-Sen BusinessSchool to carry out high-level scientific research.


Introduction ofAssociate Professor Qin Xin


Qin Xin, Doctor of Management of Guanghua School of Management, PekingUniversity, a joint training doctoral student of Sino-American FulbrightProgram of Harvard Business School, currently he is a tenure-track associateprofessor and a master tutor of Department of Business Administration, BusinessSchool, SunYat-Sen University and is selected by Sun Yat-Sen University’stalent introduction program-“Hundred Talents Program”. His research interestsinclude organizational equity, creativity, ethics, and so on. He has published19 papers in domestic and international top academic journals, such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of AppliedPsychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, HumanRelations, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journalof Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Management and OrganizationReview, Management World, ActaPsychologica Sinica, etc. He has won the followinghonors: the Ho’s Outstanding Scientific Research Contribution Award and theHo’s Outstanding Teaching Contribution Award of Business School, Sun Yat-Sen University;school level excellence in annual examination for teaching and administrativestaff of Sun Yat-Sen University (for two consecutive years); First Prize (academicclass) of the 3rd Guangdong Provincial Outstanding Human Resources ResearchAchievement Award; Beijing Outstanding Doctoral Graduates; “the Outstanding 10in Academic” (No. 1 of Social Sciences Section) of the 16th graduatestudents of Peking University; National Scholarship (doctor & bachelor); Fulbright Scholarship; First Prize of IACMR Li Ning Dissertation Award;Peking University Excellent Doctoral DissertationAward;Peking University Excellent PhD Graduates; PekingUniversity graduate students’ highest honor- President Scholarship (for fourconsecutive years); Peking University Innovation Award (academicclass), (for four consecutive years); one of the Best Paper Awards of Academy of Management (AOM) (OrganizationalBehavior Division); First Place of Emerald Graduate Excellent Paper Exhibition;Highly Commended Award of Emerald/IACMR China Management Research FoundationAward; Excellent Paper Award of Chinese Academy of Management Annual Meeting(twice); Dean Research Fund of Guanghua School of Management and so on.
