Our School Obtained Approval for Projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ranking First Among the Schools of Arts at Our University

Last updated:2017-08-18

??TheNational Natural Science Foundation of China released the reviewing results of2017 on August 17, according to which our school obtained approval of 22projects with an increase of 69%, and our approved direct funds were RMB 15.72million yuan with an increase of 213%. Both the number of approving projectsand the amount of approving funds hit a record high. The approving projectsinclude 1 innovative research group project, 15 surface projects and 6 youthscience fund projects. Our University ranked second in China with regard to thenumber of approved projects. The schools of arts at our university obtained atotal of 53 approved projects, among which our school had the largest number,with the granting funds accounting for 60% of the total granting amount of theschools of arts in our university. ??

During the review of the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China this year, the project of FinancialInnovation, Resource Allocation and Risk Management declared and led byProfessor Li Zhongfei of our school obtained the innovative research groupproject with the direct funds of RMB 7.35 million yuan. This is the first timethat our school has received funding from the innovative research group of theNational Natural Science Foundation of China, which broke through our school’szero record in such projects. The approval of this project marked not only amajor breakthrough of our school in the approved projects of the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China, but also our development of new situationin financial research and rising to a new high.

As a state high-level academicresearch project, the project of the National Natural Science Foundation ofChina represents the comprehensive scientific research level and strength ofuniversities and scientific research institutions. Our school’s achievements inthe approving results of this project are closely related to the joint effortsof leaders and teachers at all levels in our school. In the preparation stageof project declaration, the school leaders attached great importance andengaged in guidance through the whole process, and actively mobilized thedeclaration motivation of teachers in our school by encouraging the key andyoung teachers to engage in active declaration. In addition, the seniorprofessors and those teachers who have successful experience in projectdeclaration personally gave guidance and selflessly shared opinions based ontheir individual project declaration experience in terms of selection ofdeclaration subjects, writing of basis of project establishment, researchcontent and objectives, research program and research basis, etc. During theproject declaration stage, the Scientific Research and Postgraduate EducationOffice strived to improve the quality of project declaration through carefulorganization, active planning, whole process tracking, initiative service, carefulreading of project guidelines and strict control of project declaration formreview by joint review of internal of external experts. During the projectreview and defense stage, the school leaders personally accompanied the projectapplicants in the project review and defense to provide support. At the sametime, our school spared no efforts in the discipline construction andscientific research by condensing discipline construction in our school andfurther enhancing core competitiveness and innovative strength of scientificresearch through the fourth round of discipline evaluation, “Double First-rate”construction, organization of scientific research group, establishment ofscientific research platforms, issuance of scientific research incentive systemand organization of multi-level and intensive academic exchanges, etc.

   The achievements of the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China would further stimulate and inspireteachers of our school to carry out high-level scientific researches, furtherimprove the construction of scientific research groups and reinforceintroduction of high-level talents and training of existing talents.

Specific details of approved projects are as follows:

Serial  number

Project  leader

Project  name

Project  category

Approved  amount
 (ten thousand yuan)


Li  Zhongfei

Financial  Innovation, Resource Allocation and Risk Management

Innovative  research group project



Chen  Bin

Research  on Innovative Behaviors and Incentive Mechanism of Small and Medium  Enterprises under Shared Economy: Based on Network Game Theory

Surface  Project



Chen  Zhixiang

Research  on Optimization of Transnational Production Resource Allocation and  Collaborative Operation in Offshore Outsourcing Environment

Surface  Project



Deng Jingsong

Meaning  Construction and Countermeasures of Joint Leave: Multi-objective Value  Reconciliation and Intervention Research of Subordinates

Surface  Project



Fu Hui

Study  on Inducing Mechanism and Emotional Contagion Effects of Entrepreneurial Passion

Surface  Project



Gu  Naikang

Introduction  of Short Selling Mechanism, Corporate Investment and Financing Behaviors and  Resource Allocation Efficiency: Comment on the Policy Effects of Margin  Transaction System

Surface  Project



Huang  Xiang

Emotional  Connection Between Man and Land in Non-definite Space of Tourist Destination:  Structure, Occurrence, Motivation and Effects -- A Case Study of “Ecological  Attachment” Project

Surface  Project



Li  Guangzhong

Study  on Jump Risks of Exchange Rate , Corporate Investment Decisions and Values

Surface  Project



Wang  Qian

Expansion  Mechanism, User Values and Migration Behaviors of Online Platform Channel in  Full Channel Context: An Empirical Study Based on Big Data

Surface  Project



Wang Yongli

Study  on Connotation and Structure of Spiritual Localization in Workplace and Its  Formation and Function Mechanism

Surface  Project



Wei  Minghai

Study  on the Formation Mechanism of Earnings Announcement Drift

Surface  Project



Xiao  Jinghua

Study  on Construction, Evolution and Influence of Dynamic Capabilities of  Co-evolution Between Enterprises and Consumers in the Internet Environment

Surface  Project



Xie  Lishan

Characteristics,  Formation Mechanism and Functions of Value Co-creation Behaviors in Virtual  Community

Surface  Project



Xu  Liping

Illegal  Supervision and Debt Contract

Surface  Project



Yu  Hongyan

Study  on Customer Interaction, Customer Experience and Performance Mechanism of  Online Brand Community Based on Value Co-creation and Customer Journey

Surface  Project



Zhang  Caiwen

Study  on Reliability Monitoring and Data Analysis Technology of High Quality  Products

Surface  Project



Chen  Chen

Are  All Geniuses Lonely? Study on Moral Licensing and Psychological Welfare  Effects Based on the Perspective of the Excluded

Youth  science fund project



Lai  Xiaofan

Study  on Resource Sharing and Optimal Allocation of Shipping Enterprises in the  Shared Economy Mode

Youth  science fund project



Li  Jingjing

Study on  Function Mechanism and Economic Effects of M&A Perfromance Compensation  Commitment

Youth  science fund project



Liu  Jun

Study  on Tax Burden Rigidity of Chinese Enterprises: Performance, Formation  Mechanism and Economic consequences

Youth  science fund project



Xie  Sujuan

Study  on Non Financial Performance Evaluation of Managers and Enterprise  Innovation: Analysis Based on the Perspective of Executive Power Distance

Youth  science fund project



Zhou  Shaorui

Study  on Multi-objective Optimization Decisions of Network Design and Resource  Allocation of Container Liner Alliance Routes

Youth  science fund project