We warmly congratulate the team of professor Liu Yunguo in our college for winning the bidding for the special tender subject of the ministry of finance.
In order to implement the Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Finance on Pushing Forward the Construction of Management Accounting System, promote the development of the management accounting with Chinese characteristics, the ministry of finance made public bidding for the fifteen management accounting subject through government purchasing in Mar. 2017. On May 5, the ministry of finance published the bid-winning notice of the management accounting subject and No. 2 project "the research of management accounting application under the different business model, organizational model, control model" tendered by the team of our accounting professor, doctoral supervisor and director of cost and management accounting research center of Sun Yat-Sen University, professor Liu Yunguo successfully won the bid in the fierce competition. ??
Hosted by Professor Liu Yunguo, the winning project has converged a number of management accounting experts, young scholars, and doctoral students from Sun Yat-Sen University. And we invited many CFO in practical field from the China Southern Airlines Group, Midea Group, ZTE Corporation, Huada Funds and so on. Some consultant experts in Beijing Yuannian Technology Ltd. and many elites in CIMA are also included into the team. With the platform of our cost and management accounting research center, based on the Pearl River Delta, to explore Chinese enterprise innovation experience through using the method of management accounting tools in different business modes, organization modes, and control modes and summarizes system background, influence factors, technical path, and economic consequences of management accounting tools in China to provide guidance and case demonstration for the ministry of finance and to offer intellectual support to Chinese enterprise innovative application management accounting and value creation.??
??That we won the project of the management accounting special tender of the ministry of finance is the approval of domestic peers and the ministry of finance for the team's engagement in cost and management accounting and it is also the recognition and trust of the accounting discipline in our college. The school research institutions costs and management accounting research center of Sun Yat-Sen University, will hold the trust and great expectations, organize orderly and study seriously under the guidance of Professor Liu Yunguo to complete the project of the ministry of finance with good quality.??
??Appendix: The 2017 bid-winning announcement of management and accounting research published by the ministry of finance ??
??http://www.ccgp.gov.cn/cggg/zygg/zbgg/201705/t20170505_8203077.htm ??