Dr. Yadong Luo Name Top-Ranked Contributing Author in International Business Research

Last updated:2014-10-09

Recently, the prestigious journal Management International Review (MIR) assessed contributing authors and institutions in International Business (IB) research, using a quality-based approach. Specifically, MIR used Google Scholar citations of individual articles to weigh the number of IB research articles in core IB and other elite non-IB journals.

The table below presents the 50 most prolific authors in IB research, ranked in terms of their impact. Dr. Yadong Luo, distinguished honorary professor of Sun Yat-sen Business School, is ranked first among those 50 leading authors. Dr. Oded Shenkar, also a distinguished honorary professor of SYSBS, is positioned at 17th in the MIR ranking.

Partial ranking of IB authors based on weighted normalized citations (WNCs)

MIR is a double-blind refereed journal that is focused on advancing and disseminating research in a range of International Management fields--most specifically International Business, Cross-Cultural Management, and Comparative Management. The journal contributes to International Management practice by publishing research that develops or extends International Management theory.

Dr. Yadong Luo is former International Dean of SYSBS, and is currently distinguished honorary professor of SYSBS, as well as holding the position of Emery M. Findley Distinguished Chair, and Professor at the University of Miami. As an elected fellow of the Academy of International Business, since the mid-1990s Dr. Luo has emerged as the world’s top research scholar in international management. He has published more than 150 articles in major refereed international business and management journals. As well, he has authored over a dozen books and about a hundred other publications. Among his primary research interests are global corporate strategy, global corporate governance, international joint ventures, and management in emerging economies.

Dr. Oded Shenkar is currently distinguished honorary professor of SYSBS, the Ford Montor Company Chair in Global Business Management, and Professor of Management and Human Resources at the Ohio State University Fisher College of Business, where he heads the international business area.