8th SYSU Whampoa Forum

Last updated:2014-12-24


On 21 December, 8th SYSU Whampoa Forum was held at International Meeting Hall. The keynote guest, Yu Yang, researcher of National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and CCTV special commentator, presented his insight view under the theme on the balance of interest and the deepening of reform. And then, Associated Dean Yu Xin addressed to the audience and expressed the appreciation of the cooperation partners Guangzhou branch of China Mobile Communication Corporation and Ifeng.com.  


Associated Dean Yu Xin (SYSBS) delivering opening remarks


In the subsequent session, Yu Yang figured out that the adjustment of interests pattern is the core of the deepening reform. Taking the conditions that the disproportion of national interest will not be totally mitigated in the near future into consideration, he still looked optimistically at reaching this equilibrium point, which is regarded as the foothold of deepen reform.


In final session, Yu Yang synthesized the practical situation of China society and spoke of serials issues concerning with issues of the relationship between government and market, absolute justice as well as the government-leading and public-determined balance.  


Yu Yang (researcher of NDRC and CCTV special commentator) presenting a speech


The Q&A session was highlighted by a brief review of the urbanization development and rural land problem made by Yu Yang. 


Full house audience at the forum


The SYSU Whampoa Forum is a newly developed series of academic activities featuring experts and scholars from various social sectors. The events have been established as a high-end platform for cross-cultural management communications for SYSU students and alumni.