6th Li Xuerou Fund Scholarship Award Ceremony
On March 14, the 6th SYSBS Li Xuerou Fund Scholarship award ceremony was held at the southern campus. At the ceremony, Prof. Guangmei Yan (Vice President of SYSU) paid tribute to the alumni and faculty who exerted their own effort to support the Li Xuerou Fund. During the past six years, more than 260 alumni have participated in the fund review, which ensures the effective operation of the funding.
To highlight the establishment of the scholarship funding, Chen Huang (Representative of Council of the Li Xuerou Fund) recalled his campus life, in which he expressed his appreciation to the university and pointed out the significance of Li Xuerou Fund was to develop and promote social and moral responsibility.
At the end, Prof. Xuerou Li delivered his hopes to the awarded students for the future cultivation of moral emotions, moral commitments, and moral reasoning.
Li Xuerou Fund was established in September 2009 and was donated by the alumni of SYSBS. The Fund was named after Professor Xuerou Li for his achievements and contribution to the School. The Fund is also the first fund named after a professor in SYSU.
Li Xuerou Fund received donation of RMB 1.2 million in 2009, including RMB 1.11 million as endowment fund, and RMB 90,000 as annual scholarship. From 2014, each prize winner was awarded RMB 12,000. The first scholarship of Li Xuerou Fund was granted to nine students in March 2010. Up to 2014, 99 students from all schools of SYSU have been awarded this scholarship.
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