9th SYSBS Citi Forum Final Competition
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<span>On December 27, the final competition of the 9<sup>th</sup> SYSBS Citi Forum was held on SYSU east campus. </span></p>
<p><span>The Citi Forum Competition has attracted more than 200 teams from SYSU, Xiamen University, the University of Hong Kong, Jinan University, South China University of Technology, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, and Guangdong College of Pharmacy. Thirteen teams won admission to the quarter-final around the competition. During the quarter-final of the preliminary competition, each team was asked to conduct a case-study presentation and oral defense. In the end, six teams won the opportunity to compete in the final rounds. </span></p>
<p><span>The first round of the final competition, at which two teams were eliminated, consisted of a seven-minute presentation and a three-minute oral defense. In the second round, the remaining four teams provided further explanations to elaborate on entrepreneurial green transformation programs and relevant solutions, and developed their own designs and implementation plans. After the exciting demonstration, Team “RO&Y” and Team “Revive!” entered the final interrogation section. Both sides carried out a heated debate over cost and industry alliance. </span><br />
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<span>Presentation and Brainstorm</span></p>
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<span><span>Before the announcement of winners and prize awards, Prof. Yunguo LIU, SYSBS Assistant Dean, spoke on behalf of the judges to respond to the contestants’ performances. He praised the competitors' hard work and excellent presentations, and extended his own congratulations to the students. </span><br />
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<span>The title of champion went to Team “RO&Y” as the final winner of the 9<sup>th</sup> SYSBS Citi Forum competition.</span></span><br />
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<p><span><span><img /><br />
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Champion & Participants</span></span></p>