Song Guangju and Xuan Weiying, Alumni of Our School Made the List of the 2018 Forbes Women Entrepreneurs

Last updated:2018-03-01

On February 28, 2018, Forbes China released the "2018 China's Most Outstanding Business Women's Rankings". Alumni from the 1st EMBA Whampoa of our school, Song Guangju ranked fourth. At the same time, Forbes China also released the list of "2018 China's 25 Most Promising Women in Business" for the first time, and Alumni from the Whampoa 35th EMBA of our school, Xuan Weiying was successfully selected.

This year is the fourth time that Forbes has launched the "China's Most Outstanding Women in Business Rankings". These outstanding women in business are responsible for important leadership positions, and as a rising power, with their unique charms, by hard work and striving, they add a gorgeous color to the business world. As in previous years, Forbes qualified the business scale, operation quality, number of people under charge and public influence, etc. as the metrics of the company run by business women executives for rankings.

The "2018 China's 25 Most Promising Women In Business " list, which was first released this year, selects 25 potential women in the business world based on their companies' operational quality, growth potential and public influence.


Song Guangju, chairman of Poly Developments and Holdings. From 2002 to 2004, she attended the EMBA at the business school of Sun Yat-sen University. She used to be a propaganda officer of the headquarters of the 31th training base of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND) and a staff officer of the Guangzhou Military Region Technical Bureau. She is also the chairman of Guangzhou Fuli Architectural Design Co., Ltd., the executive director of Guangzhou Siruida Real Estate Agency Co., Ltd., the director of Shanghai Jianqiao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., the director of Poly Guangzhou Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., and the director of Beijing Jinchenghua Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Ranked fifth in Forbes' 2017 China's Most Outstanding Business Women's Rankings. Song guangju said at the shareholders' meeting in December 2017 that in the next two to three years, the company should return to the top three in the industry, which shows her great courage.


Xuan Weiying, founder and CEO of Gump Come Information Technology Co., Ltd. From 2015 to 2017, she attended the EMBA at the business school of Sun Yat-sen University. Founded in April of 2015, Guangzhou Gump Come Information Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to providing intelligent robot solutions for the retail industry. In the list of "200 Chinese Artificial Intelligence Representative Companies" recently released by the EO Intelligence, Gump Come is also among the best.

Forbes 2018 China's Most Outstanding Business Women Rankings (partial)


Forbes 2018 China's 25 Most Promising Women In Business Rankings


Notes: The rankings are in no particular order. It is mainly based on the operational quality, growth potential and public influence of the business women's enterprises.