Appearance for Females, Functionality for Males? The False Lay Belief about Gender Difference in Product Preference
梁剑平 教授



梁剑平教授,博士生导师,现任ok138cn太阳集团陈瑞球亚太案例开发与研究中心主任及项目负责人,MBA项目学术主任,市场学教研室副主任,研究生教育与学位专委会委员,太阳集团tyc138“百人计划”引进人才, Asian Case Research Journal副主编,粤港澳高校市场营销研究联盟秘书长。研究兴趣包括认知与情绪、社会促进(亲社会、亲环境等)行为、营销与新技术(数智化、人工智能、机器人等)、品牌管理、文化及社会影响等。主持多项国家级和省部级项目,在国内外顶级及知名学术期刊上发表多篇文章,包括Journal of Consumer Research、Journal of Consumer Psychology、Journal of Travel Research、Journal of Business Research、Psychology & Marketing、南开管理评论等,所著案例被哈佛商学院与毅伟商学院(8篇)两大国际顶级案例库收录及全球发行。


It is common that marketers design and position pretty products more to female consumers than to male consumers, suggesting they generally believe that females have a stronger preference than males for product form over function and apply this belief to their marketing practices. However, this research demonstrates that this belief is often inconsistent with actual preferences. Across seven studies and four follow-up studies, involving both hypothetical and field settings, we demonstrate that both marketers and consumers hold such a belief about gender difference and overpredict females’ preference for form-superior (vs. function-superior) products relative to males. Specifically, people tend to choose form-superior (vs. function-superior) products for female (vs. male) others, but female consumers do not choose form-superior (vs. function superior) products for themselves more than do male consumers. We further provide convergent evidence for the underlying mechanism and boundary conditions by showing that a) people’s choices for others and themselves are more in line with the lay belief about gender difference when they hold a stronger belief, and b) people’s choices for distant (vs. close) others are more in line with this lay belief. We further assess the effectiveness of several debiasing interventions and show that this lay belief is quite robust.

