百年中大管理论坛丨Cathy Hsu:Using Social Listening for Policy and Business Strategy Development
Using Social Listening for Policy and Business Strategy Development
Cathy Hsu教授,香港理工大学



嘉宾简介Cathy Hsu is the Chair Professor of Hospitality and Tourism Marketing in the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her research foci include tourist behaviors and emotions, resident sentiment and stereotypes, and social listening. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Tourism Management and served as the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism for 16 years (2002-2017). Her recently co-authored book, Tourism: The Business of Hospitality and Travel (6th ed.), was published by Prentice Hall (2017). She received the John Wiley & Sons Lifetime Research Achievement Award (2009), International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators’ Martin Oppermann Memorial Award for Lifetime Contribution to Tourism Education (2011), and the Tourism Academy Leader Award (2024) by The Association of Turkish Tourism Academics. She is a fellow of the International Academy for the Study of Tourism and a fellow of International Association for China Tourism Studies.


内容简介:Resident sentiment and its ambivalence play important roles in understanding resident well-being and maintaining the social sustainability of tourism development. However, resident sentiment at destinations has not been monitored systematically. The presentation will share an on-going social listening project. A tool using social media data was developed to enable government agencies and businesses to monitor and integrate the opinions of residents and tourists into strategic, communication, and product design decisions. The system's expandability to include data from other destinations, businesses and source markets makes it a beneficial tool for any region or business aspiring to create socially sustainable tourism or enhance their competitiveness.
